April Showers Reconstructed - Signups (FILLED!)

And also it sounds miserable for me. I won’t downplay that I oppose this because it sounds miserable for me and everyone involved. I don’t like playing mafia with people who don’t want to play mafia with me

this is precisely why I’m not joining lol

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I dislike hydras in a non-hydra game, I feel like there’s too much for me to focus on to evaluate just a single slot, I won’t enjoy it and that’s why I’m not in the game

policying them out instantly is sucky, even as a joke which is what I’m presuming it is



i mean, i would just be missing on games I’d want to play otherwise

im p sure everyone was joking lol

Bionic has absolutely followed through on his pregame threats to hard tunnel certain slots as of late!



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in to policy the hydras

(this is a joke) (i dont like hydras in non-hydra games much either but policying them for the crime of being hydras is even more cringe imo) (nya) (meow) (purr)


(nyaaaaaaa purr :3)

I can find them somewhat frustrating to play with in certain cases (esp. in larger uncapped games where post volume can be an issue and having multiple hydras makes that worse) but this is a problem to be handled by host hydra policy and also player policy “not joining playerlists you think you will not have fun on”.

In general player policy “not joining playerlists you think you will not have fun on” is important to me and people not abiding by this principle makes my life miserable all the time. And their lives miserable also. So I would like to encourage people to follow it, so that I can have fun playing mafia games, because I don’t like being around people who are not having fun playing mafia games


who the hell has fun playing mafia games



have enjoyed coming back here but need a breather

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may do you have the related “extreme fun” post its very similar to this one

Putting on my detective hat
We have ,… at the end
What does this mean? It means the user wanted to write multiple commas, but they didnt know how to. FoL automatically shows only one. So they settled for periods
I started the thing with multiple commas btw, Lore here. I stole it from somebody else and fhen Arete stole it from me and then everyone started doing it
In order to find this alt simply look on past cookie threads who struggled to write multiple commas
Off the top my guess is this is JAIL
Would be funny if i caught him instantly again

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Tutuu, are you aware that you can view people’s profiles to see more of their biography by clicking on their name, and then on the card that pops up, clicking on their avatar? You might find this enlightening.


You also totally did not start the multiple commas thing.

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I was about to strangle you for the sass youre giving me but then i did as you suggested and

Oops hehe~

I might be jumping to conclusions too fast hehe~ :sweat_smile:

N-n-n-never mind…

Embarassing ;-;