April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

@Wazza role or alignment? theirs a difference and people love to say their confirmed when its their role and not alignment confirmed

role, not alignment to specify, my apologies

but itā€™s presumed that they know my alignment as well, same as for me with them

wym by this? It seems to contradict the above post from how Iā€™m understanding it but I think Iā€™m just not understanding it properly

Can I have rolefishing for 500 alex

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I dont rolefish as mafia I genuinley do not care about roles shits too confusing to bother with for me

Also for anyone who thinks im not town, I really think my reaction to the goose shot should p much confirm to you that Iā€™m not fakeclaiming IC


Unless you think me and goose are paired and planned that interaction out but thatā€™s silly

Bro the number 1 thing evil claimes when being shot is IC

to buy time

yeah but you are

I donā€™t care if youā€™re doing it as mafia or town, itā€™s not worth it for me to engage

I only stated what I could say without defending myself socially, just know 2 other players know my role

How often do you see mafia claim after getting targeted for a shot as opposed to just dying? My assumption here is that you intended to mean more so after being on the chopping block for exe to save themselves, which isnā€™t what happened their. I donā€™t remember exact time stamps but Iā€™m pretty sure my claim/reaction came pretty quick after the shot and would be kinda impressive had I thought of it that fast (or I donā€™t remember and the time frame was longer than I think and this argument is void)

Also I didnt rolefish I was asking what the fuck the second message meant because how Iā€™m reading those two you said ā€œmy role is confirmedā€ then immediately after ā€œbut they know my alignmentā€ and I donā€™t understand the connection, I donā€™t really care what your role is regardless of alignment

I can also confirm myself if I kill a mafia so im basically innocent child too

So voting me = confirmed mafia

uuuuh no

we legit have confirmed neut in the game

neuts are cool let em vibe

Also just for my own curiosity, have you looked at your alignment recently Someone?