April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

They litterally just claimed Doctor and why their was no kill.

I was saying if I was a neut Iā€™d do that, not that Iā€™m a neut.

Also hi guys Iā€™m awake now.

Iā€™m not gonna say Iā€™m the reason there was no kill, it was my immediate though tbh

There was no kill because of Teen.

but then I got told something to do with Teen so like lol

I donā€™t think there would just be a pure neutral doctor, itā€™s probable theyre hiding more if they donā€™t claim goal, and the goal is tied to that

so what if I am

What is your goal anyway Wazza?

we donā€™t know what you are and therefore should exe you, could be some nk, some anti town

I donā€™t think wazza is lying. Why claim to be a nuet doctor if evil. It would be better to claim town doctor if they were cus it sounds more believable. It may just be me though.

Iā€™m willing to give Wazza the benefit of the doubt for now.

Iā€™ve made it clear enough that I can just win with town in 99% of cases, got no reason to believe I canā€™t, I do have an alternate wincon where I can win earlier but it is actively a protown wincon, I can reassure you

believe me if you want, donā€™t care

thereā€™s no NKs in the game lol

Iā€™ll trust you for now Wazza.

theyā€™re refusingn to claim goal again

here you go

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yeah and I will always refuse to claim it

take it however you will, donā€™t care lol

you pushing me consistently is more anti-town than my existence and Iā€™m the neutral here lol

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Going to head out now too so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

neutral siding town you hate to see it