April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!


You protected someone?

I think we may have gotten bus driven and i went to someone and you went and saved Zolt i think this could make sense. Since we were both redirected and no kill.


not someone the player someone as in the word someone


Hmmm either way I think this could be a possibility. But between me and you i think your inital target probably moved.

I have a feeling we got swapped

Did you detect motion or no @SultanOfSlam didnā€™t see if you specified that

@Zoltraak You still here?

Yes i detected motion

I am wondering why the mafia want to kill someone.

They need to confirm you. They donā€™t need to claim to do it.

How can you have no idea who you protected? Didnā€™t you need to choose someone to protect?

Ah. I see.

Redirectors canā€™t usually redirect two people at the same time. Iā€™ve never seen it happen anyway.

Bus driver is that role i believe

Thinking it through im pretty sure scum tried to kill zolt and swapped me and Teen and accidentally fucked up their night kill by doing so lol

Not what I think about when I think redirection but that would work. I was one my very first ever game on the old site. I was a wolf too.

Which means that itā€™s possible that Teen saved the life of a wolf. Doubtful though. If the bus driver is scum anyway. If it is a bus driver, itā€™s possible that Sultan and Teen picked different targets N2. So I really dislike how quick Zolt was to start pushing Sultan over that.

Theyā€™d have to swap your target with Teenā€™s target.

Tomorrow I believe Iā€™ll know the identity of at least one wolf if things go right.

I thought it worked as im now going to where teen was going and teen is now going where i was going.

Hold on lol

Not how bus driver works. It works like transporter does in ToS.

Actually, that is how it works.

Misread what you said at first.

Actually, let me explain.

Say busdriver targeted Zone and Someone.

All actions targeting Zone would then target Someone and vice versa.

Ahh so maybe Zolt tried to push me beacuse they know they were trying to frame me as the killer?