April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

Until the mystery of nightkill being stopped is solved, Wazza stays out of this

this is so sad

Why even Wazza?

theyā€™re neutral or worse, refuse to claim goal

Read up kid

Yeahā€¦ I mean Iā€™m all for neuts in but like Wazza is just straight up non-town and if Wazza is wolf then itā€™s my pelt and Iā€™d be delighted. Plus honestly Iā€™m just going through PoE and theyā€™re just my most wolfy of the candidates.

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Okay im on board if we cant find the redirector we jus kill waaza

But i still want Zolt to exsplain themself

Yeah Iā€™m all for that.
Zoltā€™s somebody Iā€™ve beenā€¦ testing a bit.
But I donā€™t know how towny they seem to be.

bus driver seems really unrelated to getting wazza out

Wazza claimed to have healed somebody, whats so hard to understand?


So youā€™re saying none of this matters

I am saying that you and Kiiruma are not working towards the solve.

Both Wazza and Zoltraak need to answer questions, yes.

But until then, donā€™t do anything hasty like lol lets vote wazza now, they are not answering.

Fucking chill mate.

I didnt say we kill Wazaa immediately apparently you didnt read that i want answers first

Wazza is non-town (As I said to you via the reads)
I donā€™t know how much I believe she is just a neut, as Iā€™ve wanted her eliminated from fairly early on.
As for what ā€œItā€™s my peltā€ means, I meanā€¦ thatā€™s kinda self explanatory

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Well, I was a 2-shot transporter who used my power to swap Frost with myself last night, assumed that Frost would be a likely mafia target for night 2 and that it would be better for the health of the game and mechanically if I died over them.

Just got back home and a little drunk so bear with me


n1 and n2 transport is crazy ngl