April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

Okay, so it’s shown on your masonry discord for example, that’s what is shown?


And in no way, would the host lie to you with a fakeclaim?


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Frustrating but yes

this actively shouldn’t influence your read purely because you have no clue what the mafia role is.

But you could tell that being neut and have 50/50 target is absolutely bastard right?

not really no because I can win the game with a 50/50 target or not

Right, this kinda defeats “I cant kingmake” argument with this.

Mafia would win, alongside with you, and the town target will lose.

I can’t kingmake as I just win the game before I can

in a 2v1v1 scenario, I win.

In a 3v2v1 scenario, I win

etc. etc.

in a 2v2v1 scenario, games over regardless as I’d win automatically and the game turns into a 2v2

So why would this matter.

Yeah the issue is if Wazza has a mafia target, Wazza is a pseudo +1 mafia already.
But if Wazza doesn’t have a mafia target, we could turn Wazza into a +1 mafia according to themselves.

gonna be honest, with only one mafia remaining it’s basically impossible for me to side with mafia regardless of my secondary wincon lol

Since you can also solve the game socially and wagonmatics wise right? I have no answer what this mafia 3rd’s ability is.

And for that, that shouldn;t be indicator that lead straight to mafia.

I will say that having you as a neut, Wazza, means we have 5 non-town in a 15 player game which feels insane but I guess I can’t exactly rule it out. That’s why I’ve been apprehensive in trusting you

3 neuts, 3 mafia and 9 town?

Now down to 1 mafia, 7-8 town and 1-2 neuts