April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

is this a wolf entrance

if you’re drunk you’re not inhibdititned so you posts more towny town town town towny thoughts

This worked great for everybody trying to read me in Litten’s terrible game


A what? I can’t have an opening bit. Can’t have shit in FOL.

so ynay nyna nyany treu

nah no jokes sorry VOTE: Memekingpizza


@TeenGhidorah vote wrongboy do your civic duty d1!

wrongboy did say ‘why me’ to be fair

can other people towntell though please i know this is rolemadness but already it kinda feels like a mountainous game idk why but the vibe is there


also people can edit posts here or?

VOTE: wrongboy

If we rule of three it one of us has to be a wolf (cant argue against this kinda logic)


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can make minor spelling/formatting changes

Here is an experiment for edits

you’re all getting banned :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


so sad no cure


3 in 5 more to go get your votes on wrongboy! (make sure to not hit hammer though)

more 3 should be okay

wrongboy | bionic-sultan-ghidora

zenon’s rule in 32 minutes damn

Good afternoon wolf. VOTE: Bionic

Translation: If Bionic flips wolf, yeet me into the sun.

Going to townlean this very slightly for amusing me.

Sounds slightly like TMI. Slight wolflean.

This is exactly t!Bionic’s meta - I’d instantly declare it town if it weren’t for the last game he played, but even there he didn’t imitate his towngame, he surpassed it and overshot by quite a lot. >rand town IMO but it’s still frustrating and unproductive and far worse for the game than any hydra is
