April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

thank you leafia how could i forget

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#100 or am i making this out to be less certain that i did when i first glanced

Thereā€™s 3 packwolves and an anti-town neutral/lost wolf. Unless Zone is specifically trying to fuck with us


Youā€™re welcome and not sure.

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lune did this once in discord mafia where out of 21 players there was no factional mafia and 8 neutrals

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is this just Zenonā€™s law
if so no, I do not buy this

who the fuck is zenon

show respect to your elders please

A very fun player on this site.

bionic really is town though i think

that was Mayā€™s post
Iā€™m not putting much stock in Bionicā€™s meta because heā€™s recently been trying to improve, (and based on Jail doing pretty well), and heā€™s also recently seen people use this meta (for example in UTY botc)




if this ends up yet another game where everyone yaps a lot and in the end we just lynch bionic though i will scream because it happens too often

on day 1*

I specifically hedge in that post in a way I usually donā€™t on Bionic for a reason, as heā€™s clearly put effort into improving lately. My sureness on him in previous games hinged on him putting up a very distinct performance in that one popcorn game. Iā€™m not 100% on this meta anymore. Zug is even less sure than I am


he could be; itā€™s >rand given his meta but not by much imo
depends a lot more on how he plays the rest of today though

sounds to me like youā€™re angling and dangling

Believe it or not Iā€™m not 100% confident on my one hour into D1 reads


live a little!