April Showers The Third - NIGHT 3 (12/16)

nuh uh no fishing my role until i get a veredict

Oh dont be hat, you’re creator of the golems.

There’s no denying it.

what are we looking at here this is confusing

Let’s say I am from the other neighborhood.

Anticlaim is dead unless there’s some other version of it too

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well that’s not clearing at all

The other members are Canping and Carbonated.

@Host_Account_1 @SMILEY Go go gadget golem punch frost

The neighborhood is aware of a role named the machinist.

might not be all since the anticlaim was about not claiming your correct role specifically


What does the neighbourhood say about the mechanist role

i guessed it too that was lucky

sorry if i sound all high and mighty im just happy and motivated


Sorry you can’t just namedrop “the mechanist” like this is some sort of bombshell you have to elabourate

you talk like you know what it is

I have things to do with it and depending on what this role is it could be relevant


We’re good behaving neighboors I am sure, also kinda the reason I rescinded from defending Heiter after fact is known you were suppose to be roleblocked at N1.