April Showers The Third - DAY 4 (10/16)


I know i just want to keep people in order

I am sorry Jarek

D3 Final Votecount

Frostwolf103 (6): Jarek, Chomps, Marluna, Leafia, Kiiruma, SMILEY
Willow (4): Canping, Frostwolf103, carbonated, pandora

Not Voting (3): Rhea, soweli, ElizaThePsycho

@Frostwolf103 has been executed.

They were...

Night 3 has begun and will end at 2025-02-24T22:00:00Z.




@Canping has died.

He was...

@ElizaThePsycho has been killed.

She was...

Day 4 starts now, and ends at 2025-02-26T22:00:00Z.

Since there are 10 players alive, majority requires 6 votes.


I was rbed by someone last night. No idea who rhed me though.

Apologies for missing the last day-end. I was feeling ill.

@Chomps, what were your results?

@Leafia, I do not think you ever answered this: who did you target on Night Two?

I targeted you on N2. I even annouced I would be doing so D2. Also, Chomps was my master last night. Now we know the wolves have an rber at least.

@Marluna, is your ability compulsive?

I meant who you asked to be your master.

Kiiruma. I thought that was pretty clear by what he said at the beginning of D2.

I mean the beginning of D3.


good morning do we have news

There appear to be two different death flavors. I asked about this and received no comment.

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Only that I was rbed preventing me from learning if you had ever attacked someone or been attacked by someone this game. At least I know for sure Kiiruma followed my plan N2 now.

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No, It isn’t.
I can’t choose you anymore, though.

Interesting. Why have you chosen to use it, then, given that making more Neutral Lovers is strictly detrimental to the village?