April Showers The Third - DAY 4 (10/16)

That’s what I am saying, think Smiley at least contributed to that.

Then again that makes Rhea’s item unsuccessful, that’s a issue. So unless we have to massclaim N1’s visit if at all.

we only need one other people claiming to visiting either me/jarek/Heiter to solve the issue at hand. (and they should do it, if they were town, imo, only the visit, not the action, though).

Why do you want a massclaim, when it is unnecessary?
If someone doesn’t claim the visit, it’s unlikely they will do it through a massclaim either.

Ah yeah no, visit…well there you have it, Rhea and Smiley.

But I wont distract any longer of that, I’d like Chomps dead now.


i’m not going to be here for EoD idk hf everyone

And I would like Heiter dead, so it seems we are at an impasse.

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VOTE: Heiter quite hesitantly admittedly I would prefer heiter to chomps & leafia aorn

Creature t
soweli t
Kiiruma t
Jarek t
Marluna lt
Canping lt
Willow lt
Frostwolf103 lt
Chomps lt
carbonated n
Leafia n
pandora lw
Heiter w

ok specifically I don’t think Leafia has gotten that much better and probably shouldn’t be giving her own account that much value but also i misread a slot for similar things in a game on MU recently; I don’t actually think my read on pandora has been eroded that much but uh. i sheep rhea

Smiley can only target town players, so there’s the issue.

D2 Votecount

Heiter (3): Rhea, Leafia, soweli
Leafia (2): ElizaThePsycho, pandora
Chomps (2): Frostwolf103, carbonated
Kiiruma (1): Creature
Frostwolf103 (1): Chomps

Not Voting (6): Canping, Kiiruma, Heiter, SMILEY, Jarek, Marluna

Is it confirmed that smiley targeted heiter

But if a wolf targeted any of Heiter, Jarek, and Marluna, or even just somebody who wants to avoid anti-claim, they’ll probably hide it. pandora’s ability isn’t reliable enough to do that.

@Frostwolf103, I do not see any reason to believe the additional visit was Smiley, as Heiter have not claimed any evidence that they did not get roleblocked. Smiley just as easily could have visited Jarek or Marluna.

The only evidence of roleblock-immunity from Heiter was from pandora’s old claim when it thought that its role counted visits performed by its targets, not the other way around. Now that she has backed down from that claim, there is no evidence that Heiter did not get roleblocked last night.

That being said, I now see the purpose of pandora’s role, if it truly exists: it is investigative information which Smiley will likely interfere with. That is an interesting enough interaction to justify the existence of a role not precedented in the earlier renditions of this setup.

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No, it’s the sake of the argument that whoever Smiley is targeting, cannot be mafia member.

the wolves are calling in their least active

VOTE: Heifer not gonna vanity vote frostwolf

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hateful name