April Showers The Third - DAY 4 (10/16)

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i kicked willow with my ability

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@Rhea @Frostwolf103 were you in your neighborhoods day 1?

I was never in a neighborhood in the first place on Day 1. I was only temporarily added at the start of Day 2.


chomps how dare you kick us iā€™m so disappointed

when you kick us i stare at a black screen of death

my soul floats awayā€¦

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Brother what the fuck is going on actually

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if we accept all neighborhood presence claims as true and mafia chat as regular with no interference on my abilityā€¦

Rhea, Leafia, Kiiruma and Soweli can only be town or lone wolf/neutral


frostwolf got kicked out at the start of day

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Do me a favour right when people eventually decide to scumread frostwolf RIGHTULLY I get the pelt, even if Iā€™m dead, quote this post and give me credit

checks out

Just down to brass tacks this mech stuff is confusing even me and I donā€™t like it any more :pleading_face:


the real anticlaim is the confusing mech we made along the way

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The simple takeway from this is that these slots are very unlikely to be mafia

truly a 3 target info and loud ability moment

btw you kicking me out right when i joined into the game

least confusing entrance of all time :sweat_smile:


Finished backreading. My opinions about what happened today.

-Creature is a weird kill. He wasnā€™t really an obvious town material. Maybe mafia had info on their role, and killed them after the Heiter execution?

-Can someone explain me, why is it unlikely that mafia has presence in both neighborhood?

-Heiter roleā€™s isnā€™t really an anti-claim, in my opinion. It does nothing, when you tell the truth. But OP advises that it is ill-advised to claim our actual role.

-I missed something, but why does Chomps role clear people in neighboorhoods? After the claim I would look morely into that slots. (since those people can hide their scumchat behind the neighboorhood chats.

if my neighborhood has an evil in it iā€™m going to cry because itā€™s too complex /not srs

btw has anything else come of this

Oh in case itā€™s not clear Iā€™m the person turning people grey, it matters forā€¦an odd reason really but it does

I basically need a non-grey (and I thought at first this meant anyone not neutral) in the graveyard to send a short (or long message with one of my ā€œtokensā€), turning it grey in the process. Thereā€™s a sorta mediocre way to revert it to continue to use my ability butā€¦

Well anyway, Iā€™ve sent a message to someone at random and I donā€™t see why I donā€™t do this every day just to prove I can, and to test if Iā€™ve been silently vanilla-ized.