April Showers The Third - DAY 4 (10/16)


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D3 Votecount

Willow (3): Leafia, Chomps, Canping
Frostwolf103 (1): Jarek
Kiiruma (1): Frostwolf103

Not Voting (8): Rhea, pandora, Kiiruma, Marluna, carbonated, soweli, SMILEY, ElizaThePsycho

Alright. What I think is happening is there seems to be a neutral (or evil) graverobber sorta thing.

For anybody in Heiter’s old neighbourhood genuinely need to ask if anybody has recently joined it.

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If there’s anybody new in there push on them please. We need to expose this role. Especially since if they ARE a graverobber, they’ve just stolen an anticlaim ability to use

Oh yeah I see, but this is a anticlaim that works on claiming false things

And we want that… why?

I looked at Heiter’s role, right?

That is the rule of that role.

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Again. Why do we want someone who is probably anti town to have any sort of anticlaim?

Even if it’s anti fakeclaim its dangerous.

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I don’t know, I haven’t thinked of this far.

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Jarek already claimed he is responsible for it.

VOTE: Willow

(That is to Chomps)

(And used to send messages to other players.)

What about Jarek?
Just cuz he was roleblocked N1, it doesn’t mean he can’t be mafia.

I believe that Chomps is saying he doesn’t have any kind of private communications, Carbonated is the player that got cut off from neighborhood Day 2, Chomps found only one and Jarek is on that list too


No nevermind, Jarek could be also one

To be fair I am doubting the mafia chat counts as a neighbourhood. So all this tells us is that some people are in a hood and some people aren’t.

Being in a hood is not inherently alignment indicative.

I’m in no hood. But that in itself doesn’t make me good or evil.

Creature has clear indication correct.

Chomps claimed he counts mafia chat as well.

He also says one chat at a time