April Showers The Third - DAY 4 (10/16)

Since Canping said out you are roleblocked then Pandora’s mech is also correct, therefor Rhea did in fact roleblocked Heiter

Is that simple to follow? Yes.

All Chomps now need to do, is to follow my plan by chat check Pandora and you, if he is truly town.

Rhea at least have valid reason to roleblock Heited, but what about Pandora’s 3-target watch detector? It seems out of random and I have been pestering Pandora about N2 action.

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I personally advocate for myself to be used as a test-bed for multi-trackers, whatever chomps is got going on and whatever else, because I don’t do fuck all aside from twiddle my thumbs

Now, actually that I think about it I expect protectives to go on chomps tonight thanks.

Last thing I want is to get framed because chomps was killed while checking me or pandora. I don’t care if you think there’s more than 1 protective or there’s a strongman oooh, if you don’t go on them and they die I will actually kill you

No kidding, you think I left out that detail?

I think the more people that say it and repeat it the less ballsy the mafia will feel about going for it

They’ve already missed a kill, you don’t think they’re going to risk missing another do you?

Thats one thing I can agree on

Marluna had some good game theory on why they killed creature and I think the answer for that too is obvious. Mafia are scared!

Nobody was gonna protect creature, and they needed a kill on the board. Creature wasn’t read one way or another they were an easy enough kill and they weren’t an offensive one

That is one reason yes, Smiley’s Night 2 action also protect a random town, so mafia will do randomly in that regard.

What are the chances that protects someone like Rhea or Leafia

Since Heiter isn’t informed of the roleblock, let me check something…

Didn’t visit, has no confirmable ability, will get message of being redirected, end up holstering because they are afraid they might kill someone.

Nope, got nothing

I do say that slanking wolves are good excuse to execute slanking towns in future reference, learned nothing.

The way I am seeing, Pandora would be my wagon actually. Early D3 I have to argue with Chomps and despite my hostilities I don’t want intrusive thoughts want to admit he could be mafia, more so than before.

This logic is easy to follow.

Why though?

I still stand on the edge, that without pandora’s claim, you could have easily defended Heiter, claiming he had to be visited by Smiley, since no one else was not roleblocked, were people claimed the roleblocks on them.

Without pandora’s and Canping contrubition, Heiter wouldn’t have been executed so easily in my opinion.

And probably Heiter claimed not using their ability, because if they did, it immeadietly would have cracked their case, that they were roleblocked, or not.

@Chomps Whats your opinion with Pandora

If by easily, its a probable scenario that Heiter is made roleblock immune by Smiley, losing credibility of Rhea’s roleblock item used on Heiter. Smiley has that ability, anyone else hasn’t claimed and there’s this stubborn chatter of “AnyOnE cOulD dONe it” Yeah no shit, but dont argue with me if you have no proof.

I stopped defending Heiter when proof is abundantly clear, even if Heiter hasn’t acknowledged me…so that was not really distancing either.