April Showers The Third - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

I mean there’s only reads around it because people are acting weird; the optimal play around smiley is pretty obvious (leave it alone) so the well is bound to run down eventually (also personally I don’t put a lot of trust in reads based off of mech even if they are there); I don’t have a particular alternative in mind but idk

You know i cant say I enjoy planning projects. Good thing I don’t have another project plan due in 2 weeks that covers the next half a year haha that would suuuck especially if I could only do it in a paid software that is borderline inaccessible via the college haha

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i am So tired

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I never claimed my reasons were good to be quite honest with you my attatchment to the read is only in salvaging its conclusion posthumously because you’ve been acting overly defensive about it (I mean your posts outside of that subject have been ~fine and i would unvote if you asked nicely; only reason i’m still voting you is because i don’t have a better option (Marluna doesn’t count for “reasons” (read ‘reasons’ as “weird strategy purposes”)

I’ve went through all of my games (in the last two years).
It looks like, that was the only time we’ve played together before this game.

:joy_cat: ok nice

I’ll try reading you separate from meta and see if i get anything; not really expecting much though

yeah idk you’ve just done nothing of interest and that’s less actionable now that you’re not “that player who was towny when they were town” and are instead “average FoL player”

Well I’m going to think of one, maybe we can start deathtunelling someone for an hour or 4 and see what people do about it

Btw I don’t know what your actual thought process is here (though regardless i think this comes off as towny) but it doesn’t seem likely that kiiruma is actually doing this on purpose; I can’t speak for him but I don’t think this is a thread that’d entirely die without that talking about smiley & I think it’d produce better reads if we got off that; I don’t think it’s on him to propose an alternative tbqh especially when that too will probably be exhausted in due time

I volunteer myself as tribute

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btw searching for anybody with townreads on:


because I think they’re all nuller than they should be for the postcount yet i’m sure somebody thinks at least one of them is town

I’m thinking that one of the few people pushing on me - Specifically leafia - might have overstepped to the point kiiruma felt the need to step in and try and shut the conversation down. I’m looking back on it, and it doesn’t look overtly obvious, so meh maybe paranoia maybe it’s more subtle but still.


~Mostly thinking leafia because they came in second, and it tends to be that wolves don’t start pushes but they’re all the more happy to jump in to try and start a bandwagon. I don’t see kiiruma trying to shut down W!Marluna starting a push, I can see them trying to do it for a fellow wolf joining an ill-fated wagon.

I can see Starboy being town out of this bunch the most.

The rest is mostly null for me.

(I don’t even attempt to try read Leafia anymore… she is sus even if she is towncore, she is just that good as scum.)

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I can give them one for wallposting

Did that wallpost any useful behind it?

all of those comments are NAI at best imo. (the best she did there was repeating opinions.)

i could make that wall in my sleep


I don’t think “I know I am town” is a read that comes off great if made about yourself

ooh elaborate?