April Showers The Third - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

theoretically we should be looking outside of the people chomps has confirmed (unless chomps is also wolf)

I dont like how youre fishing around but i think quite confidently me & jarek same alignment

Going to head out for a bit too now so talk to everyone more later. I should be back before EoD. :sleepingleafeon:

Fair enough. :sleepingleafeon:

the day ends in ONE HOUR. none of the wagons are good. only 1/3 of people are voting

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why AREN’T you more alarmed

VOTE: sowali i don’t know a wolf but i do know something that will keep town numbers up

Good question.

You mispelled it. Or Chomps did. One of the two.

Yeah. Soweli might be our best bet for now admittedly. VOTE: Soweli

VOTE: soweli

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If they win while dead I’m cool with it, even if this is essentially just delaying

Now to head out for real for the time being. :sleepingleafeon:

whatt the sigma

Someone run me through on their thoughts on kiiruma, leafia and marluna


[checks clock]


D4 Votecount

soweli (3): Chomps, Leafia, pandora
Chomps (1): soweli

Not Voting (6): Jarek, Rhea, Kiiruma, Marluna, carbonated, SMILEY

uh i have class in a few so i uh

VOTE: Kiiruma

I’ve made my decision, I’m going to live with it