I am less useful the longwr the game goes because im just bad at making reads and remembering stuff, I don’t know if i can trust a town read on anyone with how these executions have been going and my info not being that correct at a first glance
You should be if you’re town. Especially at this point in the game.
It almost seems like you don’t even care who gets executed Chomps. As long as it isn’t yourself.
actually why we even voting on mylo
VOTE: Sleep
Funny how even now you’re not using your ability to try and clear Jarek.
i am working though the spite and busy rn but i will get 3 good targets soon!
Chomps (2): Jarek, Leafia
It’s L-2, and it’s mylo @Jarek @Leafia
Are you this confident Chomps has to be mafia?
I honestly don’t know any more. I just don’t know what to do at this point.
All I know is that we need to do something.
at this point it doesn’t worth executing just for the role info, only if we are extremely confident our kill is mafia.
I know I’m talking against myself, since following Chomps info, I would be the best next execution, but I still think mafia has some shenanigens, which can help them avoid Chomp’s check.
Heiter was part of a NH, other mafia could have only nightchat with other mafia members, there is still the possibility of lost wolves. (and as I said earlier, it’s totally possible a mafia member has the ability to remove themselves from mafia chat on their own accord, since it has presedence as an ability in earlier April shower games.)
No I’m not, I just want pressure
I’m not sure about anything, but neither am I the only player solving this game and I’m glad for it!
Well, calling ot a night for now, sdcc o good night.
Besides Chomps, I’m interested in pursuing Pandora, Kiiruma & Marluna.
I would like to hear peoples’ opinions on all 4
Day 1
Frost, Leafia, Rhea. (1)
Day 2
Carbonated, Soweli, Creature. (1)
Day 3
Willow, Canping, Kiiruma. (2)
Day 4
Pandora, Carbonated, Marluna. (2)
Day 5 New!
Jarek, Marluna, Pandora. (2)
marluna is known to be in chats, pandora isn’t
Neither am I