So for me, it’s actually between kiiruma and Marluna, so I guess the common denominator between us is marluna
If I can get the other players to pitch in we can pool our suspicions together and come to a consensus. If I’m wrong - and it’s entirely possible I am, then having everyone else stay quiet and sheep my vote isn’t a good idea.
Also just to debunk these.
- If it had the ability to kill it would be a serial killer and there would be much more deaths than there is right now.
- OMGUS voting is goofy I’ll give you that
Wait that was already my POE
Well, huzzah for accidental consistency
i am still paranoid of Leafia being mafia, but we are in Mylo, so I don’t really want my paranoia lose the game for us, If I’m wrong…
Chomps hasn’t been hammered by wolves.
Heirgo, wolves are voting chomps OR chomps is a wolf
are you confident Chomps is mafia?
It’s chomps or it’s pandora
VOTE: Chomps
It wasn’t hammered, so it’s a wolf
I dare you to prove me wrong
oh neat yay
was it in fact leafia/marluna or was there a third one somewhere i probably shouldn’t be asking
it’d be really funny if like it was leafia & pandora and my deal was i could ony infect mafia but id ddn’t relzlie it also this just means i win i think
Woe is the thread for hammering when the hosts are both in their beds
this is so sasd i was so invested in the game today & yesterday
D5 Votecount
Chomps (4): Leafia, soweli, Jarek, Marluna
soweli (2): Chomps, pandora
Not Voting (1): Kiiruma
ty vote bot
ok since nobody’s enlightenigng me on things (which is the smart play) i’m going to elave