April Showers The Third - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

In comparison, town had like 1(?) reliable investigation ability. (Kii’s Coroner ability)

Chomps’ ability was unreliable, (mafia’s mechanic basically was built around evading this role.), Rhea’s could have been switched off almost immediately, and Leafia almost never would know, if she investigate, rb or lightning rod someone.

It could have been possible, that Kii doesn’t learn anything through the whole game, cuz different roleblockers target him at different times…

@Zone_Q11 btw, what was the rest of Starboy’s abilities?

I enjoy my stay in neighborhood chat, roles have interesting plot twists in non bastard environment, I forgive them for being potentially bastard they are not

What was the part you think it is lied not being non bastard anyway?

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…huh. I just noticed something.
Yet another mod-error: I forgot to give Kiiruma a roleblock feedback at N1.

As for your feedback, I’m not sure if this is something I could improve on.

  • The Golems all have [Investigative, Protective, Manipulative],
  • as does the Robot. Though the action for the Robot is chosen by the Master.
  • Modal is a situational role, but usually ends up killing players instead of blocking kills.
  • Mafia requires at least one investigative role and one manipulative role, which in this case got merged into one.

Seeing as there was at least one player who has seen through the nature my design process, I’m going to keep it secret to the public, in hopes of recycling it again in the future.

Ah, yes. It was the part where -in Non-Bastard games- the hosts never lie.

This ability -while described as informative- is actually misleading, as it is giving the target a statement that is untrue.

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In rolecards.

I think it’s fine if the source of the ability knows, that it gives out a false information.

I mean, about the host never lies about the player’s role. (Aka no player is secretly in the different alligment, then they learned at the start of the game, your imvestigative ability won’t turn randomly into a killing one and this kind of lies are frowned upon in non-bastard games.)

Thank you for the game!

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thank you hosts, for running this game. i enjoyed being a part of it.

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Mafia Chat

Why every single FoL game (except FAM) ends in a wolf win?


look at my game history and see how many scum games ive had in a row

Because town being town, can’t tell the difference in alignment and just hopes mafia get caught easily

See me

truthfully i think we just can’t work together as uninformed very well. or informed. in general really

You are not wrong

Maybe fixing Chomps ability at targeting exactly 3 alive players, or instead of learning how many players were evicted, just learn, if a player was evicted from a chat or not?

Or would either of that be a too weak role?

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I think this ability originally is good enough, there are good as evil implications of this role

I think this is… far too weak in that world.
Chomps becomes a weird BotC noble in that world.

My role took a while to get off the ground (The N1 no death was gutting) but could’ve been strong once on the board. I was town reading Chomps and relied on the slot’s information to help me to go for my targets. While one time targeting Chomps so as to help confirm them myself (the night I was RBd)

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Also Neutral Lovers didn’t contain any Neutral…

(Early game I really thought Zone had come up with the “only non-town” NH)

Which night
You were roleblocked 3 out the 5 nights.