April Showers The Third - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

Time for me to head out for a bit too but I’ll be back before EoD. :sleepingleafeon:

Ah yes.
I am a contender for the Pandora or Marluna worlds and I’m wolf outside of it too.
I think that I do adore your persistence in your push against me. But I don’t think it’s working.

Potential wolf since It’s possible that I’m wrong about you being a wolf. Sorry in advance of I am.

2 hours until the eod, everyone please state your final thoughts about the current wagons

i am currently fine with leafia or starboy getting executed.
I don’t like star’s arguments about kiiruma “not wanting to talk about mechs althought they kept the mech discussion” is simply not true. and they haven’t made any updates on their reads. Also

Leafia is just feeling weird and wolfy, their comments has been either jumping into top wagons .

Jarek was accused of voting SMILEY, they were in the wagon.
Kiiruma is now accused of not posting and trying to change the mech topic which is bad, and they are in the wagon with starboy.

I have already mentioned my thoughts earlier, but they are simply jumping into conclusions with either very stale reasons or reasons simply do not exist.
i am also not satisfied with their replies to my reads.

I have seen Leafia wolf agreeing with town leaders just about almost all the time, encouraging to follow the course.

What about Starboy, if you have thought in that matter?

I don’t think anyone is on me right now

i was talking about at that time, you had 2 people voting you: marluna and leafia

Alright I see

Heading out until I get home. Phone is low on battery. :sleepingleafeon:


I would consider Leafia being unaligned with Starboy.

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very wolfy message imo

the readlist
Player Read
Chomps +++
Frost ×*
Willow ×
Leafia ×*
Jarek +
Rhea +
Pandora +*
Starboy ×
Canping +*
Kiiruma ×*
Marluna truly null
Childe truly nully null
Soweli also null yea
Creature +*
Heiter ×*

+ Town lean / ++ Towny / +++ Town lock
× Wolf lean / ×× Wolfy / ××× Wolf lock
* GTH read made for this list only

easy copy storage


can you elaborate on frost

An hour remains. Here is my current read list.

soweli t
Jarek t
Leafia t
Kiiruma t
Creature lt
Willow lt
Marluna lt
Canping lt
Chomps n
Frostwolf103 n
childe n
Heiter n
pandora lw
Starboy lw

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Did you do this at the time?

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Town protectives be on Rhea. i feel she’s likely to be the one wolves decide to kill tonight. Also, Rhea is the one I chose to learn my ability tonight. Which is yet another reason to protect her. She’ll be told it by Zone at the beginning of the night but she won’t be told it’s mine.

soweli t
Jarek t (ofc)
Leafia N, leaning to feeling wolfy (but I generally don’t read leafia well)
Kiiruma n ~ LW
Creature N
Willow N
Marluna lt
Canping lw
Chomps lt
Frostwolf103 n
childe n
Heiter n
pandora n
Starboy lt

oh and rhea is lt as well yes

Could you try to sell me on Canping, Jarek? I have found his contributions acceptable but haven’t been able to feel a strong read there either way.

Good Morning Town