April Showers The Third - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

It would not hurt ethier

That explains nothing. What follow up? What do you mean by figuring it exactly?

Iā€™d rather not interfere in a voting I know nothing about tho


D1 Final Votecount

Starboy (5): Kiiruma, Frostwolf103, Canping, Chomps, SMILEY
pandora (3): Rhea, Leafia, Starboy
Canping (2): soweli, Jarek
Leafia (2): pandora, Marluna
Chomps (1): ElizaThePsycho

Not Voting (3): childe, Creature, Heiter

@Starboy has been executed.

They were...

Night 1 has begun and will end at 2025-02-18T22:00:00Z.




Nobody died at Night 1!

Day 2 starts now, and ends at 2025-02-20T22:00:00Z.

Since there are 15 players alive, majority requires 8 votes.

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hello chat sorry i missed eod

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welcome back!!

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Just bringing this up as a comment that bothered me knowing starboy was indeed being correctly read by yours truly as good. And that they could have been saved with some actionable voting.

iā€™m mostly just quoting this one to bring it up for discussions sake it feels like itā€™s worth talkiing about

Days start at 1 am for me, heading to bed now, hope to see you all tomorrow!

Fact everyoneā€™s alive is great though. It also means:

  1. the evils were roleblocked
  2. the evils hit a protected person (Itā€™s hard to prove with the anti-claim but if you protected someone or are bulletproof, assume you did your job last night until proven otherwise)
  3. Idk blood on the clocktower po charge and weā€™re gonna see more deaths tonight


VOTE: Heifer my hand is forced

VOTE: Heiter

Good. Rhea survived. also, I gained a passive ability somehow last night. Itā€™s called infected and just makes my alignment color grey upon my death. No idea how I gained it. Also, if Iā€™m killed at night, the one who killed me will gain it and if I get executed during the day, then the last person to vote me gets it.but I have no idea what it does other than what I just said.

I can confirm that I received indication as to what Leafiaā€™s role is. It is not especially alignment-indicative, but the fact that she has revealed it to me is appreciated.


I donā€™t think I had a read on starboy? I only really got a read when I read their last post but then the thread closed.

I wouldā€™ve maybe voted pandora but I didnā€™t want to screw up Rheaā€™s voting thing.