April Showers The Third - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

For how long did you think Kiiruma was a wolf? Did you think it during D1, last night, today? Could you explain your exact thought process on him?

…so exactly what towns frequently do, got it.

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I mean…did you just copy all of it?

Well since you’ve claimed what I presume to be an ability already how far would you be willing to go on claiming to test how severe the penalty is for claiming

In return I don’t vote you for a day to see what happens

You misunderstand me. I am asking “what would cause pure wagons D1 to be an impossibility as you imply they are?” I believe there is no such mechanism and that the wagons easily could have been pure.

I mean if it doesn’t kill you then it actually might be beneficial in the long run if it’s just “oh no ur vanilla”

It just seemed weird how he said to not talk about mechanics. He virtually always wants to talk about mechanics even in games with anticlaim. Him pairing me with Starboy felt really off too given how he knows I’m a hardbusser. It wasn’t until Starboy’s flip that I started thining I might be wrong about Kiiruma being a wolf.

If that’s the case then you’re saying all wolves were non-voters?

I mean “it is possible that the people being voted for contained no wolves”, that none of the wagons were on wolves, not “the people placing the votes contained no wolves”.

Yeah but that’s always a possibility the same way it’s a possibility every person but the one we voted was a wolf, we don’t know these things till we explore the game further

I would suggest looking at the posts I am quoting and following the thread of conversation here, as you appear to not be doing that. I am responding very specifically to a post you made. You said “look at the wagons on D1 and tell me none of them were wolves, you can’t”, and I am telling you that it is extremely possible that none were wolves.

If I had to give a guess as to the wolf team right now… this is odd, but I’d give Heiter, pandora, and Leafia.

And I am guessing you vote Heiter, from all available information we know, Heiter is the one not moving according to Pandora and Marluna’s mech?

Well that’s one point, not the whole picture, just saying.

Pretty sure we have more than one villager this game.

I just find it easier to do my own thing in these games it works for me and I end up doing okay most games so eh

If there’s something to what you’re saying I’ll find it but I don’t think being on one track alone is a good thing for a town since, well, that could be wrong

Important thing is that in the end we come to a consensus and that consensus is correct doesn’t matter how we end up actually getting there in my books

Look, I will come out and say it: I have mechanical reason to believe that Heiter attempted to perform the night kill last night and was stopped.


You literally have me as lean town.

Good enough reason to me to vote Heiter.

VOTE: Heiter