April Showers The Third - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

If you somehow flip v, then I will.

Well now Iā€™m just confused

In any case I have no night abilities that visit players. As far as Iā€™m aware, Iā€™m not a miller of any kind, either.

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Thatā€™s fine I suppose.

Iā€™m inclined to believe Jarek about that as of right now.

This is also a pretty weird thing to say to someone who you think is a wolf.

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Itā€™s Rhea believed Heiter is roleblocked, otherwise it would have been 1 out of 3 successful visits, not 2.

Ah I see:

Pandora claims:

2 of me, heiter and marluna visited
I canā€™t visit so heiter and marluna have to visited a player for this to be real

rhea appears to believe they have roleblocked heiter in some way so thatā€™s no longer possible, unless marluna can visit 2 players(?)

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@pandora, do you count the number of visits or the number of players who visited?

Going to head out now for RL, so talk to everyone more later.




no, you heiter and marluna visited a total of 2 players

between you

maybe one of you visited twice

As it stands on right now:

if Heiter is suppose to be blocked and no one died, then how does this explain the inconsistency between Jarek not visiting, Marluna visit one target and you say 2 out of 3.

I did not say 2 out of 3 i said 2 between 3! And idk!

Roleblock immunity maybe?

Or maybe someones just lying, easy answer there