April Showers The Third - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

me when i wield the nefarious tennis racket that spills battery acid

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Reveals being false would be bastard.

Agreed. He is right. VOTE: Canping

Good night.

Please explain this vote. Seems a bit too opportunistic to me. Giving Willow a very slight scumlean here.

Now calling it a night so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:


What if the anti-claim is an ability?
In that case SMILEY would be immune towards anti-claim.

(I just donā€™t think ZONE would overlook the interaction between the anti-claim and a self-revealing role.)

Itā€™s certainly a possibility.
Iā€™d think itā€™s either an assigned ability or a factional based ability.
Of course this is just contemplation but :man_shrugging:

I donā€™t think Zone would overlook it, I think it might be something on purpose idk :man_shrugging:

I am preparing an opening post, but I would like to separate out any questions I find myself having so that they do not get lost.

Leafia, would you say you are self-resolving this game? Do you think your ability will clear you?

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Would you say you stand by the read, even despite this observation, or do you think that this confrontational nature is not alignment indicative?

If you absolutely had to make a call, would you say that Jarek is more villagery or more wolfy off of this joke (or non-joke) vote?

Could you elaborate on this? Is there anything at all which you could cite as a reason that you feel this way?

Hello, everybody. Iā€™m excited to play again.

Inexplicably, I find this post wolfy. I believe it is due to the sense of meaningless correction here, as it forms an assertion of game-knowledge without any actual productivity.

This is something I feel others might find to be a wolfy post for the reason I mentioned regarding Canping above, but from my knowledge of Marluna in particular, I donā€™t especially feel this way.

I find this brief pop-in lightly villagery.

Similarly, this rebellion is utterly pointless on its surface, so I like it.

A piece of mechanical speculation: I do not think Zone_Q11 would have added this role without a greater purpose. While the revealed rolecard cannot contain overt lies, as this is a bastard game, I feel there must be some interesting intention here, and so I suspect there is a ā€œtradeoffā€ to keeping this role alive, whether it is the ability to anti-claim it or otherwise. Does that mean we should execute it? I do not know for sure.

The other potential ā€œfunctionā€ of this role is to create a tradeoff for the mafia, whether they choose to kill or roleblock the NPC with a known powerful role or a villager with an unknown role. I would find this an interesting choice, but I am not sure if that is exactly Zone_Q11ā€™s style.

As a note, if the mafia have any blocking power whatsoever, they can roleblock Smiley and then claim its benefits for themselves, so it is not clearing for a player to say they received a benefit from Smiley. I believe the only announced benefit is the private vote, so this strategy is only possible on Night 3. It is obvious enough as a strategy that I will not play coy about this possibility.

While this backpedals on the rebelliousness I found villagery, it feels natural and unforced as a clarification, so I am not modifying this read.

I continue to feel rather neutral about Marlunaā€™s discussion here: it is something that is utterly fakeable, and yet something that a villager does have every incentive to say.

Jarek is my top town for the time being.

This is also good thought.

I appreciate the mindmeld with Willow here (and the indignation from Jarek), though I do not think it especially alignment-indicative on its face.

This is good on-the-ground self-reflection which I find villagery.

I find this rather genuine.

I also find this thought genuine-seeming. A Leafia who legitimately wolfreads Jarek intensely would have this exact thought.

I like this thought, but I do not think it is necessarily true: the neutral could be considered an additional ā€œroleā€ which is in the game. I believe the fact that the role ā€œjoined the gameā€ in the signup thread implies that it was a pre-game effect rather than an in-game one.

My thoughts exactly.

I find this unprompted thought to be villagery.

I find this aggression to be slightly villagery.

This opener appears to be what should more naturally come as an ā€œinside thoughtā€ for wolves: ā€œwe can anti-claim the neutralā€ is something that a wolf would first think to say in wolfchat, not in the thread. However, it is too easy to fake for me to feel especially good about.

I find this post agreeable enough.

I also agree that there had to be some intentionality to this decision. I do not think such anti-claim would be disastrous to the village, as it is almost certainly ā€œfreeā€ for the wolves and avoiding triggering it means giving up our execution for the day, but there must be a tradeoff.

Constructing a read list:

Jarek t
Willow t
Leafia t
Chomps lt
Kiiruma n
Canping n
Heiter n
soweli n
Marluna n

I do not find these first hundred posts especially fruitful in terms of finding wolfreads. A large portion of the players have not yet posted, of course, but I do not think the wolves necessarily lie in that pool.

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low-key I just thought ā€œhey i should probably vote somebody, too much mech discussion too early is bad etc.ā€ and then scrolled up and got vaguely bad vibes from this post

i think? I donā€™t know i might be placeboā€™ing it and also I did read the whole thread but donā€™t think i gained anything from it; i do have another person iā€™m considering voting (ooh spooky!!!)

I see. I certainly cannot fault you for failing to find much in the thread to date ā€“ I have also found myself in the same predicament ā€“ and I find the thought process on Canping realistic and similar to my own.

I will place soweli as a light townread.

I am mildly concerned that 2 people voted canping immediately after me;

Also I mean idk take a free townread for the walls with like good enough reads wow nuance <3 idk iā€™m sleepy and/or not in a good mood and/or sick but in a new way somehow

Did double check and I am still interested in voting [player] but am refraining from doing so for strategic reasons or something di


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but iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s actually whatā€™s happening
but if it is. yea no itā€™s NAI

no, they canā€™t.
they either leave it alone, or kill it. No middle point cause of the neutralā€™s immunity.
(or anti-claim it, if the anti-claim isnā€™t someoneā€™s ability.)

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Ah, it appears I missed a line. Thank you for the clarification.

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Couldnā€™t sleep and no, it probably wonā€™t clear me.

Please explain.

All in all, Iā€™m getting villagery vibes from Rhea right now. Townlean.

How is that a mindmeld?

Now to head off for real. Good night again everyone. :sleepingleafeon: