April Showers The Third - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

name that 4 people

& then like idk you and chomps can fight for the last slot; you’re in contention by virtue of being wagons mostly you also made many posts surely there was something in there

i did nto have actually 4 people in mind

eh actually marluna probably has done stuff but moreso they’re involved in jarek’s situation but that is everyone; I don’t actually know if rhea should be on there or why willow is on there


{Jarek/Willow/Canping/Marluna} final

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Well okay point 1 is fair enough

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I am not settlling down in between Canping, Chomps, Kiiruma or Marluna on Day 1, that’s way too little information to go with.

Marluna is seemingly most town than the rest of the three I mentioned, Kiiruma is pressured over nothing, Canping and Chomps are aggressively ‘pressuring’ which is better content than Kiiruma.

Alright, I’m here now and I’ve seen further stuff to do with Smiley and people talking about how people have talked about Smiley. So if I may make a suggestion how about we just… move on from all that now and ignore it for the moment?

I have a funny thought later on which I can use on another day but :man_shrugging: .

I’ll make one statement though, I’m doubting Smiley is the only neut. As it’d feel weird if Smiley was and it’s like ‘Yeah we’ll have 1 neut and it’ll be super public and helpful’.

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my role strongly implies the existence of other neutrals


Pretty sure we’ve already did that as soon Jarek’s wagon is dying down.

I’d recommend against stating too much there because we don’t know how loose anticlaim will be.

I hate to have to step aside from mechanics, but the more that we talk about our own mechanics, the more of a risk we are at to trigger a form of anticlaim.

So yeah, what’s the pressure bro

chomps is villagery tbh

this post sounds like town too

like, a wolf wouldn’t be so careless to openly giving hints about their claim, they would be more cautious and act more aware of the game

I do have question…between, Chomps, Marluna, Jarek, Willow, Heiter, Leafia and Canping, whom the latter has one dozen of posts before your post is deemed the least favorite according to you.

At my own glance, holding on voting an NAI player who want smiley dead may raise a question to Canping being first bad post.

What is your analysis that leads to voting Canping?

Ok so if we consider marluna a town member, and didn’t actually realize jarek wasn’t serious. Did leafia not realize it was a meme joke as well? Could those be from a wolf whos standing with a town who had bad impression earlier, you could say they wouldn’t standing with jarek? I think that would be more obvious. I know we need to move on from this " x voted smiley" thing, but i think it might give us something.

i’d very much like to hear who that another player is first.

their explanation (and i think is a bad one):

and i am saying bad because both rhea and soweli’s reasons are something that is totally nai

Right, which is why the explanation need to expand.

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Weren’t you scum the last game we played together.