April Showers The Third - NIGHT 3 (12/16)

Even though I don’t agree with his reasoning, he was the first, who had an actual reason, why my vote on Jarek looks bad. (except the one, that I should have known it was a joke)

I think a wolf just would went the already established “it’s a bad vote, cause it’s clearly a meme” argument, if they wanted to shading me, based on that early vote.


An updated read list:

soweli t
Jarek t
Leafia lt
Willow lt
Kiiruma lt
Canping lt
Marluna lt
Chomps lt
Frostwolf103 n
childe n
Creature n
pandora lw
Heiter lw
Starboy lw

Eh okay I can see that perspective. Maybe I’m trying to connect something where there isn’t but I felt the read that leafia and kiiruma are paired and leafia was trying to stop leafia from slipping was right, somehow

Initially I’d marked this post down as too defensive, but as I was typing this I realized that it’s quite literally a defense, I asked them to explain themselves. I don’t hate it looking at that lens but it still feels a bit weird, notably the second quote tacked onto the end.

sorry for my oddities that surpass the bounds of your comprehension

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Starboy’s lines of questioning feel off and their posts read like somebody trying especially hard to seem like a villager without actually reading like, well, somebody who seems like a villager. This is a red flag to me and I would like to investigate further.

Heiter has spoken several times about non-game-related matters and still has not given a game-related comment despite having two people to do so. This is a place I would like to see pressure.

VOTE: Heiter.

pandora has commented on the game, but its posts seem to lack a “creative spirit” that villagers tend to have: the comments are all rather easy observations to make and do not provide any novel connections or leaps of logic. She has provided mere idle commentary.

Creature’s near-complete absence bothers me, though he did leave an explanation, so I cannot complain too much. I would like to see much more from him when he returns.

childe’s absence also bothers me, but not as much as Creature’s, given that it had a similar issue in my Kakegurui: Compulsive Gambler Mafia. Still, this is no reason to disregard the issue.

I feel I should have better thoughts on Frostwolf103 by now given his volume of content, but I do not. Nothing he has done has seemed especially villagery to me, but I have not been reading nearly as closely as I should. I will read him a bit more closely in a moment.

This has been true most of the thread, multiple votes placed that don’t do anything. Your votes need a push/reasoning behind them to be worth placing.

Like most of these points from Jarek,

but this reads like a bit of a stretch to me. The town, as Jarek had said, had more or less moved on. I find it unlikely that Kiiruma would pop into thread, and attempt to divert away from an already dying disscussion. If anything I think, if Kiiruma is attempting to direct us, would be directing us back onto the disscussion.

Yeah I’m listening. VOTE: Kiiruma

i see what you mean, but its not only their response and what i did to just to read them as town. i overally think they are lt, i am just saying i liked their response.

This confirms my previous feel that the defensiveness of the read came from being asked directly to justify it. If soweli isn’t defending their read on its own merit, I actually think the way they’re trying to find something from what we had at the time somewhat towny.

Also, not game related, but this is their second post now to use parenthesis and not close them properly! This is irrationally annoying me even though it does not matter even in the slightest.



closed them for you

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A stretch aww come on :pleading_face:

Kiiruma can join the thread and do more, ill probably place a vote tomorrow unless something unusual happens.



I’m not sure we’re on the same page. I had said that Marluna seemed like an entitled town, and you said you wanted to hear them say it, but I don’t think them saying that read would have helped

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Meh to be fair maybe you’re right but damn do I want to be convinced someone is evil for absolutely no other reason other than the vindication that I’m right

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unless this post was saying that you wanted Marluna to point something other than the read I had just made out.

Ah nevermind, for some reason I thought you were responding to my post, not Marluna.


90% sure he wanted Marluna to point out that those 3 posts were made after the vote

D1 Votecount

Canping (3): soweli, Chomps, Leafia
Kiiruma (2): Jarek, Starboy
Chomps (1): ElizaThePsycho
Marluna (1): pandora
Heiter (1): Rhea

Not Voting (8): Marluna, Canping, Frostwolf103, Kiiruma, childe, Creature, Heiter, SMILEY