No doubt about that, I also provided more info social-wise.
What’s your claim
You will be the D3 execution actually.
It’s 11 minutes to EOD and this can go either way
Frost feels like he switched to damage control mode, trying to appeal to everyone now, appearing helpful in the hopes to flip the vote and get one more night.
Leafia, I assure you won’t regret going over Willow. It will be boring Day 4 without me.
I’m fine with either of them getting executed even though I’d prefer a Frost exe.
Well you know, I am a golem. two passives and one active. I can only use it on specific days.
Well I don’t know that I just know you’re in a hood and do things
Everyone in the hood is like that.
Okay best not to say then
No it won’t be. Why is it whenever I’m pushing a eolf, the wolf acts like Frost is acting most of the time? Well, some of the time anyway.
A town, a wolf, what difference does that makes when it’s me on the chopping block?
Very probably beacuse if he goes over now he spews a lot of people townier, making it much harder for the last wolf
There are times I yell at town to switch votes, and I am also town at times I wont fight back, when I made my piece.
Not Voting (4): Rhea, soweli, SMILEY, ElizaThePsycho
Was it rhea or soweli that were telling people that being a non-voter implies that they don’t care and is evil?
What makes you think I am on anti-spew?
It makes a world of difference. Town needs wolves dead to won and I’m pretty sure that you’re a wolf right now. I’d say about 92.5% sure.