I found the way that Frostwolf103 “gave town points to” but did not unvote Starboy at EoD yesterday odd, but the way he has been acting, full of implicit assumptions and subtle communications, has been fairly villagery to my eye.
I do not mind inspection here, but I would need much more convincing to agree with a vote.
I don’t like Soweli’s vote either. I’m not that bad a wolf and I act like this literally every towngame I have. Wolfgame too I suppose. Everything about my slot screams out villager. If I was a wolf, why wouldn’t I announce in thread who sent me that message before anticlaiming them? Answer that question. Instead, I’ve done nothing with it, even keeping the person’s identity a secret. I’d never do that as a wolf.
Well for one because I believe I have a wolf pinned between one of two wagons one of which I was voting - albiet my confidence did wane now and then. But secondly, because there were so many counterwagons with the top wagon not even getting that many votes that to believe that happened with no wolf intereference would be to assume town is shooting itself in the foot while wolves get away with just watching.
It’s Possible but it’s the kind of thing I don’t achnowledge as the first possibility.
I can also name on why risk joining on Pandora’s wagon to help Rhea out, in case it is ability how many mafia voted in that wagon right? Which is why I think you’re town and not wolf.
There’s not much you can do to control votes other than having town leaders be trusted and heard so that other people vote with them and should they die have their legacies trusted too. Not even town leaders really just general town-read players. I’m not volunteering.
It would be hard to do so for reasons tou can probably guess but I’ll do my best. The main reason was because even going into N1, I wasn’t sure about his alignment. Also, if I get misexed somehow, Pandora should always be the D3 exe.
This is uncompelling. I don’t think your slot generally screams town & also… what why would you announce who sent you the message as wolf what is the logic walk me through it please.
You said something about not caring about being anti-claimed earlier so I want to posit something to you, essentially I’m asking if you’re okay with being the anti-claim “bait” to see what the anti-claim is
It would be obvious I was a wolf then and they haven’t been anticlaimed, now have they? Also, not everyone makes smart choices all the time.
I have three votes making me the top wagin and it grew too fast to be anything but a planned misexe and I’d be shocked if Pandora is a villager at this point.