April Showers The Third - NIGHT 3 (12/16)

well it’s possible that smiley visited somebody else & heiter’s role failed

Heiter is getting tunelled FMPOV over a roleblock that might not have happened which is a single action
Frost is doing the same thing but technically with the anti-roleblock

it’s so strange

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Rhea saying that Heiter can have visited anyone else, yes. I also imagined Smiley acted first and not last.

A part of me wants to call this an executioner play and god would that be funny

Smiley, not Heiter…Sigh. Just not trying to break my brain here.

so true

I’m like 90% only invested in heiter because it’s the counterwagon to chomps and 10% because frost is bad at defending

wehy don’t we all shake hands and get leafia, i think that’s likely a hit with how everyone’s been wolfreading them and how missing they are

I’m suprised absolutely nobody is pointing out that it shouldn’t be another slot defending them, they really should be defending themselves

Yeah no, why would W!Leafia help out Rhea

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In the ideal, yes, in practice who knows if they’ll actually show up

with what?

for a game with mysterious anticlaim there sure is a lot of mech information

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I believe that Heiter is almost certainly mafia, not just off the roleblock but off their posts and actions. That being said, if they are town, the mafia kill was stopped last night by some unknown, unclaimed role, which I would suspect is a neutral with kill immunity.

Frostwolf103 and Canping tunnelling on the same nonsensical defense of Heiter is odd and extremely frustrating, but I find the stubbornness almost towny. I do not think the two paired.

pandora’s actions are still strange and I can see her being a wolf, but she is now more null for me regardless of Heiter’s flip.

Leafia is another potential wolf candidate in my mind, as I find her treatment of Heiter odd and I feel the day anti-claim mention could have been a slip.

With Rhea’s ability to be used towards either Pandora or Leafia…what kind of ability would you imagine what it could be, some kind of green checker?

i think we are completely wrong

ok bye gg have fnu or don’t

i cannot read that sentence for the life of me

Yeah sure, one can be too hopeful and can be proven wrong later on.

no i mean, anyways

i roleblocked jarek last night