April Showers The Third - NIGHT 3 (12/16)

Which isn’t possible due to how Zone has everyone confirm that they understand their role begore the game begins.

No. I’m not a hit and in no worlds is it a good idea to exe me over Heiter who could’ve been carrying the nightkill.

I’m more active as a wolf Chomps. You know this.

I literally never even implied anything of the sort.

I’ll do so.


How the heck did an @ turn into a vote!?!

I meant to @ Rhea but it turned into a vote on her. Weird.

I counted three as well. (I think)

@Leafia, I am okay if you instead choose to target me and pick a different person to show your role to. That may be more effective. I only asked you to try finding the night kill because I had assumed you were showing me your role again.

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VOTE: Heiter

Frostwolf sheeping my accidental vote is concerning however.

Three players were roleblocked last night: Kiiruma, Heiter, and Jarek. I believe that Heiter carried the kill.

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Lets put that theory…to the test…
VOTE: heiter

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Idk why I said it like that but this is getting old and we’re not getting anywhere

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Everything is concerning nowadays


Why exactly did you do that? Also, just so the wolves can’t tie someone’s wagon with mine by EoD to mess with Rhea, I’ll do this: VOTE: Leafia

Just try to be careful.

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I’m being careful.

Ah sometimes just seem so simple you know

I’ve gotta say though I have so many suspicious vibes on frostwolf

Oh please delight me on that, you think I am not trying to get a wolf?

Also dont get so high and mighty, you might have try to carry out factional attack that failed :eyes:

I think your votes as of late have been oppurtunisticand the reason I’m voting heiter is because you’re starting to look like W/W partners if Rhea is actually right.

You have after all been their strongest defender despite them giving you no real reason to defend them as hard as you have

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If heiter’s town then I’ll give it another big think. Or a neutral, basically the same thing