April Showers The Third - NIGHT 3 (12/16)

Do you have anything else that Willow may be guilty?

Not really. Just Chompsā€™s info. Would you rather me vote you?

You could certainly try? But I am also on Chompā€™s info trying to get a wolf executed, either way Chomp Info got one.

Itā€™s at least possible.

@ElizaThePsycho You got time to answer the question

Why are you voting Leafia?

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willow was my first pick as the scumread so VOTE: Willow


VOTE: willow

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Kiiruma was null leaning wolf due to othersā€™ opinions

Canping was meh

i am always meh


Do you want me to stay at Kiiruma or can I clear my good name at least?

I doubt anything can clear you completely at this point. Anyway, calling it a night now, so good night.

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Well I did vote Heiter eventually, but itā€™s not I have no choice. Soā€¦

VOTE: Willow

Youā€™re not off my list for this

And Iā€™m not voting willow for fear of an insta-hammer somehow

This is L-3 so relax

This is accurate to what I received. I selected the roleblock on Night One and Leafia claims that it targeted Kiiruma. It appears this role is based off of the Mafia BaBaBa Dri-ba from April Showers Reconstructed, which is mildly concerning to me.

Who did you offer this choice to last night, Leafia?

Leafia just went to bed, oh well

Im not going to insta hammer lol but i stand by my fellow neighbors