Assassination Classroom’s BOTF XXIII - Evil Wins

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/whusper may

/accept whusper

Investigator Leafia here. My investigations have revealed to me that either Ash or Litten is the poisoner.

That’s fucked up

don’t forget to add me and magnus to the whispers

the monke account is optional because only magnus uses it :moyai:

Be kind and also invite Hazard.

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True as well, which is why I find it interesting that the first thing you did is whisper to May.

Also, may we please have the ability to like posts hosts?

Refresh the thread.

Perfect. Refreshing the thread worked.

Hi all. I’ve never played this set up before. I assume we should avoid RVS because of potential game ending roles

I.e. Saint nominating Virgin

if youre scared of hitting a virgin sure
if youre not then go for it

virgin is townsfolk only, if an outsider nominates them nothing happens

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