Assassination Classroom’s BOTF XXIII - Evil Wins

Well, yesterday didn’t go as planned, but I don’t think events would’ve transpired like that if Litten, Neblim, and/or thd undertaker claim were evil, so I’m lretty sure I can trust both/all of them. So there’s that at least. We still need to find out of I’m the drunk or not though. Luckily the undertaker is still alive.

i think may is a minion

Can I ask why you proceeded to try so hard to get yourself executed yesterday when Kiiruma was up for exdcutionv

based on information from this image may made

You wish to talk?

yeah /whisper litten



Litten. Have you forgotten the plan already?

What image I haven’t made an image in forever

Except this one

I also think YBW and Luka are just outed from EoD yesterday too for wanting to steer the execution away from me.


@Leafia This is basically what I wanted to whisper about yesterday. Now I’m realizing that Eliza could confirm you as well depending on their alignment. Still a bit of a risk probably, but not something I considered.

I’m just a cog in the machine of the Solving Industrial Complex

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The solving industrial complex is made up of Poison



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the demons didnt like this post i fear

Regardless of alignment Litten is in fact a Bad Kitty