Assassination Classroom’s BOTF XXIII - Evil Wins

kiiruma and litten
i dont know exactly why but i think that something about kii’s info knows the grim and kii only talked to me and was seen by the UT as the baron so that would imply that i am the spy

that is correct, my good friend
but you must take note that an evil player would be cautious aswell, yes?

/whisper kii

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im gonna assume you lied to me then kii?

why couldn’t the person that kii is supposedly confirming be evil with him instead?


i honestly dont really know how anything went down so youll hafta ask someone else
that is possible though, but i still also just think kii is socially good

oo, socials, the only game i’m playing
elaborate, please?

be me, kiiruma
be viewed as evil
give my token to beggar to confirm
“they’re evil together”


splendidly put, my fellow traveller friend!


damn you guys are tunneled huh

i feel like the baron ping doesnt make sense with his desire to stay alive at the EoD
i think it makes sense with a player who believes hes confirmed, i feel the indignance
i understand why a cftrw poison/sw would be indignant there at being randomly sniped d1 but i dont understand why a baron would be that upset about dying

like i can buy kii being evil but kii being the baron in particular is bizzare, and the fact that the undertaker saw that implies that it was viewed to frame them
kii had a lot of self-preservation that a strong evil role would have, not a weak one


guys kiiruma is the spy


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perhaps he wanted to intentionally mislead us into being the demon

i wonder what the state of arguing for the sake of being an argument is called.

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The UT was super high


of course, your jolly good undertaker friend could be evil or poisoned, but thats all

devils advocate


i think raising majority by one day one was pretty evil if you ask me


okay i’m bored now
you all have fun
i’ll be back… sometime… i think.