Assassination Classroom’s BOTF XXIII - Evil Wins


Oh i see

phone is croaking and slowing down it’s almost dead

hey leafia have you tried being better at the game, maybe then you would proc more virgins


Laughs Looks that way. If no one else claims outsider, then it’ll be confirmed that I’m the drunk. Even that is valuable info though.

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Laughs Hic.

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/acept quick before 48 hours pass


Definitely glad I nominated sooner rather than later now.

Oof. I guess this means Leafia is drunk, poisoned, or bad? I am the Virgin and I shared it with Litten and Leafia

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Drunk or poisoned. My guess is the drunk unless we get another outsider claim.

I failed my job :sob:

Being poisoned does not affect if your role is a Townsfolk or not for the Virgin ability.

I wouldn’t say that. As long as you’re telling the truth about being the virgin, you did a great job.

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Oh. Either I’m drunk or Neblig isn’t a virgin then.

If you’re saying that a potential Virgin would be either Drunk or Poisoned then you would be correct in saying that the ability described via the virgins ability would not work.

Drunk/Poisoned players’ abilities malfunction - abilities that have an effect on the game-state e.g a slayer, a Monk, Virgin ect. ect. will simply not work, and if the effect they have would have affected the game-state (like a slayer successfully shooting a demon but being poisoned/drunk) it will simply not work.

Drunk/Poisoned information abilities are given information at the whim of the storytellers. It could be true or false information entirely dependent on what we as the ST’s decide.

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Thanks, I was just excited to clear someone and myself, but it’s still info

Oh yeah. Neblig could be drunk too. Forgot about that possibility.

You’re welcome and I was excited too.


If I’m drunk or poisoned, it’s probably more likely I’m drunk. I assume a poisoner would target a player they’re more familiar with

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@Amelia can we chat

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One of us is at least. As long as we’re both telling the truth. Anyway, going to call it a night now, so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon: