Assassination Classroom’s BOTF XXIII - Evil Wins


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what are peoples thoughts on amelia right now

Do people usually solve in whispers instead of in thread in this game?

/whisper neb

typically yes, usually people form small trust circles and then go from there to try and solve the game. If info is especially important its shared in main thread but otherwise nothing is really shared in main thread besides noms and maybe the reason why

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Roles are useful in this game and everyone has one but evils have ways to mess with how abilities work either by just killing you or if a poisoner is on the script by potentially poisoning you amongst other things. For that reason people prefer to keep their role hidden and the info they have hidden too since their role or info could potentially assist in solving the game and prefer to try and gather info privately to potentially catch evils out in “double claims” and with information that an evil won’t know to fight back against until it’s out in the open.

is anyone currently nommed oh wise host

Neblig has been nominated by Leafia, at some point yesterday.

No further nominations at this time though feel free to correct me by making some


thank you oh wise host

Im in the solving mood rn im hitting my cognitive peak today someone whisper me

mechanical solves yes, social solves sometimes but i tend to try not to

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because mechanical solves often revolve around information that is useful to town to keep secret from wolves

im curious about ppls social thoughts on amelia, not mechanical

i have 0 social reads on anyone, ive backread and only focused on mechanics n stuff like that I missed, do u have specific thoughts?

Like the solving headquarters :)




@may did you lie to me

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Personally I think we had a very productive time in there

Probably at least once