Assassination Classroom’s BOTF XXIII - Evil Wins


That was productive.

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@IcetFeelsPain if you are still around
or anyone else

See that’s the trick you just act afk, definitely don’t just forget you have a message upcoming, nope


/whisper kiiruma


@may I just realized
i misread the 3 claims you gave me

I think I know what you are now

Thanksgiving calls, so talk to everyone more later. :sleepingleafeon:

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/whisper @Kiiruma
Sorry for breaking whisper there

You claiminy made me recheck something and I realized I misread what may said

I am aware.


breaking whisper
this is super funny because I gave may three roles and then I for some reason mixed up our 3f3 to incorrectly deduce their role

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“you aren’t x role you claimed a reasons
you aren’t y role I claimed for b reasons
you aren’t z role for c reason”

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May I command everyone’s attention for a moment please.


@ElizaThePsycho has travelled into town as the Beggar.

“What’s with those tired faces, everyone? Surely you all properly rested during the night, instead of staying awake all night thinking about assassination plots.”

Korosensei’s head swivelled to regard the students from the left and right sides of the classroom in turn, each motion accompanied by the usual sloshy sounds his tentacles made. Several of the students had bloodshot eyes, and others still had their heads against their books instead of looking up with the same enraptured attention as yesterday. With earnest compassion in his tone, he lowered his gaze to the desk in front of him and let out a sigh, drumming his feelers on the wooden surface.

“Did anyone’s creativity begin to flourish in the early hours of the morning, at least? Are you lulling me into a false sense of security? Or is there just another pipebomb underneath my desk again?”

Hinano Kurahashi held up her arm after that, shaking her wavy orange locks around to clear her head. “Korosensei, I noticed that your skin samples seemed to have a similar consistency to human tissue, so I wanted to see how it reacted to certain lighting conditions. It took on heat under infrared lighting but I didn’t see the cells develop mutations under UV light…” she suppressed a yawn, holding one hand to her mouth.

Ryoma Terasaka let out a scoff a few rows behind her. His eyes were clear and focused, lacking the lethargy that some others had. “All that nerd stuff might sound cool and all for making a breakthrough in the future, but where does it get you this week? Octopus, I put a pipebomb under your desk.”

With a grumble, Korosensei eased open the drawers of the table in front of him, shuffling aside papers to see what he could find. There was a slight pop and the professor vanished, reappearing at the door for a moment before returning to the desk.

“What did I tell everyone about cooperation and ingenuity, Terasaka?” Korosensei asked as the the drawer was closed again, his face turning purple with annoyance. “I agreed to move at a slower speed than I’m comfortable with, but only under the assumption that—”

He stopped for a moment, and shuffled away from the desk. For everyone else it looked normal, but Korosensei was staring at it like he was seeing a coiled snake, bearing its fangs to strike.

“That pipebomb wasn’t engineered to kill you,” Itona spoke up softly, appearing equally as alert as Terasaka did. “It released a harmless gas into the air, which was to be promptly absorbed into your pores. The fact that you smelled it at all implies the mind-altering agent is now circulating through your body, increasing your sense of euphoria and decreasing your paranoia, among other symptoms.”

Tears of happiness were streaming down Korosensei’s face as he looked down at Terasaka and Itona, now standing between their desks in a blink of an eye.

“I’m so proud of you both,” the professor cried, slippery tears hitting the ground. He held up a napkin he hadn’t been holding before, pressing it to his invisible nostrils and blowing it tightly. The napkin vanished, and his tentacles came around to scoop the pair of them in a hug. “I take back what I said to you before, Terasaka. It’s not my place as an educator to underestimate my students. The two of you have paved the way for other students to take their shots as well, harming my wits instead of hurting me directly. I’m so angry right now but I can’t express that properly.”

Korosensei dropped the hug after a moment, patting them both on the head before turning to face everyone else. “I simply can’t wait to see your methods unfold firsthand. Kehehehe…”


I thought maybe something went wrong

A quick note about Clocktower theory and how I will play this game. Note that the arguments and facts presented here are indisputable, and that I will not engage in arguments about them, because those arguments are you wasting everyone else’s time about meta that is well and comprehensively established. Go make reads so we can read you.

I’ve reflected on my role and realized that there is a GTO play for me in this game, and therefore I am compelled to pursue it. I am going to brute force my clearness immediately upon the opening of the thread.

I am hard-claiming, and I will never be rescinding. I am the Fortune Teller. When it becomes prudent I will provide my peeks.


  1. I will survive tonight: I do not believe the wolves are able to kill me tonight, because it is so objectively unlikely that I would ever do this as the Fortune Teller. I believe that this decision reduces the importance of the Fortune Teller cover to be provided by all of you to the point of it being negligible. The evil team have already been outplayed, as it were.
  2. I’m lock clear: All of you already know I’m lock clear, because it is so objectively unlikely that I would do this as a demon. You know this for at least two reasons. First, this is the easiest, lowest-stress, lowest-demand game to be a demon in that I’ve ever played in (except for teensies). I have no need to complicate my life, as a demon, by open-claiming on thread open, when all Ihave to do is provide like a C-level demon game to probably win. This is the rare instance where you literally know that I have a billion other options as a demon, AND that I would pursue probably ALL of
    them before pursuing this. Second, I engage in FPS exceedingly rarely, which necessarily means that I know that this will look WEIRD and SHOCKING to you. There is no merit to a demon play that instantly generates WEIRD and SHOCKED responses that I would be obligated to finesse and manage for the remainder of the game. As a villager, which I am, the burden is totally on you to not **** up and execute me. Makes my life super awesome.
  3. There are only 11 players you need to try to read, rather than 12: I have already provided a “free” peek of me in a game with a mere 13 players. Our win equity is dramatically improved by my being entirely off the table for the entire game.


The burden of sound reasoning is now entirely upon you. I am the fortune teller, and thus a villager, and thus lock clear. The game is immediately simpler than it would otherwise have been, because of my decision. Now, let us enjoy that benefit and win the game.


This is the sixth fortune teller claim eliza get in line