Assassination Classroom’s BOTF XXIII - Evil Wins

No don’t halt

Whisper me

/whisper Litten

I’m not sure why I’m whispering to may yet, which is the honest answer

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okay, go
that was a strawman

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It’s to hang out


/whisper Atlas

…can i bring silviu along

Sure I only wanted to continue the convo from last night, sorry I was busy then btw

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ah, its fine
@Silviu200530 i need you again

i can just explain what i meant publically, if you want
its about what was outted

I would appreciate an explanation but it doesn’t have to be public if you’d prefer it private.

/whisper Atlas-Rose

/whisper rose, silviu

i wanna fight silviu

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@May lmk when ur around I wanna talk to u


Actually litten I wanna talk to u too I just realized something

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can i talk 2 you sometime