Assassination Classroom’s BOTF XXIII - Evil Wins

can you make another world im evil with rose

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idk why I cant be sw if I cant be poisoner but if im SW I don’t need to save rose

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Poisoner poisons people, sw doesn’t, it’s the main difference

no. you don’t.

its the same how you all didnt need to try and save kiiruma.

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i can sink poisons into bad targets

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That’s true but you spoke to snow right?


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oh ic what you mean

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The UT wouldn’t have gotten Baron

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… so if you’re evil, the game is almost just over.

You guys made me forgot about bookworm which deeerves the death penalty

The game just started

so, litten.
what happens if icet gets executed tomorrow and the game does not end

This is so normal. I tried to rebel against him earlier

I am assuming we will have more information tonight from info roles

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Anyway I got to read bookworm

clearly i caught a starpass from otter

Is Icet Poisoner with a Spy who poisoned the Undertaker and Kiiruma is good. Fucked up if true