Assassination Classroom’s BOTF XXIII - Evil Wins

Litten if I’m ghosting you then what are you doing to me

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Randomly ending whispers without a word

I had to supervise atlas

I agree with what you said in neighbour whispers though.

I think it’s only fair since atlas supervised me in whispers that I can supervise them

I thought you were supervising Atlas

I am

Therefore Atlas never supervised yo

Fuck it’s 11PM I need to look at chemicals

I’m tired you supervise them and make sure atlas doesn’t speak to their demon

…then silviu may come along

no, may

may can’t hide a word from you to save his life

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that’s the point!


I did hide some things for some time

I’ve lied to Litten!

I hid the fact that he was evil from him for like half a day

it’s socially impossible to pair me with Kiiruma simply because you would have to make the argument I voted a wolf as a wolf and we all know that’s impossible

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Eliza saw me as good and I have correct WW info.
But, nice try.

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my meta being so rock solid is fantastic

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