Assassination Classroom’s BOTF XXIII - Evil Wins

their carelessness can simply be chalked up to silviu being evil; they’re quite, demonstrably, not too good at lying

it could also explain why may and litten needed to whisper them for extended periods of time now

But what about that it’s the solving headquarters, Atlas. We’re just incredibly suspicious town

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the solving headquarters i was mysteriously exiled from when it mattered, yes

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Travellers love to get exiled it’s their favourite hobby


Honestly the optimal scenario for this game, nya, is that I am genuinely being completely & absolutely pocketed by Litten and Silviu. I don’t believe this to be the case. I townread both of them. But it would be so awesome to be wrong and tormented and such

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do you have an idea where a n3 poison could’ve gone?
i can justify spy in my world.

ice Imp ash poisoner Baron…one of tve outsiders have to be fake if we assume there’s a drunk

Have you considered that we are being suspciois on purpose atlas to troll you

this is to say; you cannot, very well, whilst i can

I have no idea what you’re talking about

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/whisper may

Litten is isolating me from conversations with outsiders I think I’m in a high-control group

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And the group is just me and Litten.


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for the record, may
i can, whilst very flimsily, justify you being good with litten evil
i can’t justify the other way around


would anyone have any mechanical objects to kiiruma baron, may imp, litten spy, silviu scarlet?

Yeah I actually got Undertaker info which implies otherwise

What the fuck

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that is a “no”, then.

In this world eliza is evil with us