Assassination Classroom’s BOTF XXIII - Evil Wins

Well first tell me what number you got after May died

Silviu is literally lying I never claimed empath to them

Is that code for 1? I wasn’t really paying attention when you told me about wordcodes

You know this is actually funny because I can prove I never claimed empath to you if you are going to go down this route

Hey @may do you remember what Silviu asked you

She doesn’t

She does

What did I ask may that I don’t remember

I’m not going to answer that unless you state whether or not I claimed empath to you

This is not the first time you tried to shove this claim to me, you did this with atlas too, and now after whispering with them again you are still saying I claimed empath to you

But I didn’t insinuate today that you are Empath, that sounds really unempathic of you!

This is five posts up

What even is this argument

Silviu is trying to claim I claimed empath to them, the last time they did this, atlas got suspicious of me, but if they really want to die by this then they can go right ahead because I have proof that I didn’t claim empath to them

I mean you could’ve just said 0, what number you got after May died I was wondering how many votes you have because of @Atlas

What do you think of Litten’s vote digit

i, by technicality, put silviu up to this

Yeah, she told me to probe you so you confess of empathy

i wanted to annoy you (litten) out of spite
and silviu wanted to annoy you because they got annoyed at not being included in your whisper, i assume

Did you tell them to do it when they said I was empath in our whispers

you guys were literally whispering