I nyaed several times last game also
youre catboy may funniest shit ive ever seen
One nya from a Mahjong Soul reference and then an IMMEDIATE uptick. Fuck you @Litten this is your fucking fault
that was a cat themed game thats not indicative of a trend
It’s so indicative of a trend
correlation is not causation
as you should know-nya
The first two nyas weren’t even in the game
this mightve been a mistake since now both of them like holding me hostage
I would do something but I don’t feel like it so I won’t
visually overstimulated so gonna sleep i think
hope i dont get held up by any rogue fox anthros or cats or catboys or rabbitgirls or jesters or fire emblem characters in the meantime
(Also, not going to read the PM from Snowe due to him not asking to whisper first.)
colon three
Reminder to check people’s pronouns when referring to someone.
i thought she was talking about ash