Assassination Classroom’s BOTF XXIII - Evil Wins

Their 2f2 is a very demony 2f2

I think it’s a miniony 2f2 but you do you

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both of these have the common thread of being evil anyway

I feel like it’s a claim designed to make sure they can fall back on either option if they turn out to be in play, not a play by someone who confidently knows what they’re bluffing

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But yes this is details

Evil is evil

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funny, he gave me a very townsfolky 2f2 (2 townsfolk)


I am here


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@ash are you still here?

Still here. Just watching a Danganronpa playthrough in another tab.

Do you mind if we whisper and we claim our exact roles to each other?

@Luka there was something else I forgot to mention I just realized

The wiki has advised me not to claim my role early, so I’m probably going to refrain from it for the moment.


**/whisper luka ** then

/whisper litten

tldr i think intentionally executing good players is being driven by evils

time to tinfoil litten for the next 5 in-game days

@RoseRedWitch did you wanna talk still?
also if ppl feel comfortable sharing their flavors im interested bc its hard to rp if i dont even know who anybody is

As of right now there’s evidence of a Baron game and if that’s true we are missing a SW/Spy/Poisoner, and if it’s a poisoner and spy game there’s no SW so we should be trying to execute the demon anyway.