Assassination Classroom’s BOTF XXIII - Evil Wins

Cool so we’re starting to get a good sign of the evil team.

Litten’s almost certainly the poisoner.

okay baronboy

So if we can execute Litten and allow others to get information that’d be most helpful


You literally neighbour the Virgin who didn’t proc D1, I don’t want to hear it.
Poisoning a neighbour D1 is a common and boring strategy

Afraid of executing the demon?

Oh darling, I think you’re the one who’s afraid of that and we both know it.
But we have no reason not to kill you too.

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I’m the one advocating for killing the demon while you seem quite content to go after what you perceive as the poisoner

You’re in a poisoner ping from an investigator.
And is a neighbour to an unproc’d Virgin, baring in mind the common strategy of poisoning a neighbour N1 (The Empath dilemma)

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I was poisoner last game, magnus put me in the ping solely because of that.

Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow

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This game is really fun they bounce me between teams like the tennis racket

On top of this you know much more than you’re trying to let on to town.
Mostly thanks to the gossip that seemingly travelled into town from another script known as Icet.

Hey Icet, your Ravenswood Bluff isn’t the same one as our one.
You kinda seem to have gotten a bit lost.

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That’s what spies generally do yea

Poisoner above

Say what

Icet’s saying far too much information to someone who’s in an investigator ping.

Icet didn’t even tell me anything about you

/whisper @IcetFeelsPain

You and me both know what Ice has done.
But you won’t admit it to town because you get to make me look evil while keeping it all hushed.