Assassination Classroom’s BOTF XXIII - Evil Wins

Litten gave me half the grim

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I’ve been giving him information because of what happened yesterday so he could make his best shot

I gave them nothing back

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Alright, you’re both evil together. Got it.

I was trying to solve if Ice was good, but seems like not.

Ice do you see what I mean now

I’ll happily spend my dead vote on Litten today.

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persom who has win con of kill demon above ^



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But fun fact, this is a TB.

There’s multiple ways for the demon to move, so you can become the demon later and in the meanwhile you’re affecting information and other abilities.


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I can actually see a litten poisoner world I just think they’re good

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For bystanders I have an argument I’m deliberately not stating it but I have stated it to other people

“Hey guys we should execute players for the sake of the undertaker”
“No no, we don’t need to kill the poisoner, no down side to keeping them alive.”

@IcetFeelsPain you see what I mean by may spy though right?

Kii imo you should just out your character

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That’s nice, but no

I’ve told 2 townies and you.
That’s enough

I wasn’t in any of the convos but I guess? They were a demon candidate but now they’re marked as spy

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I told you this