Assassination Classroom’s BOTF XXIII - Signups (Filled!)

That’s my mistake for copying a game OP instead of a signups template.

You’re correct. You join by picking a seat number using the following template, or really just anything that lets us know where you’d want to go.

/in, seat [X].

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I really want to but i cant
/spec if allowed

I heard about your trip. Have fun with that!

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Ok, cool

/in, seat 4

Does the list wrap around so 1 and 19 are neighbors?

Yes. You can think of the playerlist as a circle, even if for the sake of viewing convenience it’s depicted as rows here.

(This is mechanically relevant.)

During the actual game I’ll also post pictures such as this to remind everyone that it’s a circle, if that helps.
But yeah, definitely worth keeping in mind.

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@Magnus Question!
If Cawthorne and Baron were in the game how would you work around 5 outsiders? would you just take it down 4 and leave it at that in a full game or will a sentinel be added

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I thought about this ahead of time.
Setting aside the fact that no other Outsiders really worked with TB, having five of them really throws off balance anyway. If a Baron and Cawthane both exist, there will be exactly four Outsiders distributed. Here’s why I believe that’s fine, though.

If a Townsfolk is replaced as the Cawthane, that means people can’t resolutely distinguish the Demon type, but they’ll know there’s a Baron. If an Outsider is replaced, the Baron is technically rendered irrelevant but it’s still a Minion with no concerns about pulling any tricks they want.

A Sentinel won’t be added.

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This is setting aside the fact that a Drunk isn’t always detectable, but y’know.

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ok cool

i’ve only played one botc game but i love assclass so lfg

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/in I love BOTC and AssClass!! Can’t wait!!

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What does this mean


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If I’m reading right it’s that Minions are handed out and then they decide which player will be the Cawthane instead of the random demon handout that would happen with imp, so first night no matter what role card you originally got b4 the game you might be woken up and told “Hey you’re the Cawthane now” which, really only different from Imp in that they can’t pass themselves along so far as I can tell.


/in 3

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/in 2

Going to be doing some catsitting

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