Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

And where does it state that multiple day actions could be used at the same time?
As that’s not a typical thing in SFoLs at all :D

Oh it says it on 1 specific character out of all of them in that 1 game? Oh crazy, that it’s not a typical thing here is it?!

You know since you were struggling to find it, it was on the Librarian (The HoB convert of Duchess / Archivist)
And compare this to every other character there and most other games lol


Somehow I dont feel as nostalgic about Hand of Byzatine anymore

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But I must say, despite the forth and backing, the conversation is productive.

Eh, I mean it was cool enough.
But like only 1 single character could use multiple day actions.
And Luka was trying to make it sound like it was commonplace and also that when I questioned for any game where people could use multiple abilities… they chose a game where 1 single character could do it.


Which if anything just supported my point, so I’m thankful

Between you and Luka as thunderdome later on, may be a issue.

Oh mate my character can be proven.
And the abilities is solely a thing which town gets so like lmao.
I have 0 worries about being thunderdomed later because I’ll win it.

In fact I’d love if I get roleblocked and watched.

I’m getting this from memory lol? I haven’t played such a game in 6 months, the only games Ive played in the last 4 months have been the linked games w/ multiple day abiliites and you seem to really hate the perspective that I could just be misinterpreting this sites meta!

If I’m so suspicious I should just be roleblocked.
And I can have a tracker on me too!
Though that would just prove me.

Damn, didn’t realize me doing a chem lab was a case against me!!
In the lack of actual evidence supporting your posts, and insurmountable evidence against you, I guess we can always go back to accusing somebody of having limited time!

Yeah cuz… most my games are offsite
If you look at every single damned game Ive played on FoL this year, NONE of them had characters with multiple day abiliites that I interacted with. So, what is this if not yk, being disengenous as fuck?

This is the first time I’ve actually been frustrated during the conversation
You cannot case me with the case of “You don’t play on FoL!” and expect to fucking get away with it
No, that is not how the game works

Me who’s helped provide evidence lol

Oh no, you really and truly got me didn’t you? I really look forward to me flipping wolf! You’ve done it, Luka. You’ve caught me. Not like I can still be hard confirmed.

I had no idea if you were around or not it just supports my point of the fact that double day actions isn’t a thing here

“Character can be proven”
(still does not say alignment)
“Solely a thing which town gets”
(Softed Inventor)
I’d love you to get roleblocked too, wow what a coincidence O.o

Fair enough, we cant use that evidence how mech works between here and off-sites I do not know about. The one you point out with Bystander is mountainous game which is purely social.

Me who literally stated in the post you’re replying to “The abilities are solely a thing which town gets so lmao” but sure, keep trying to push that agenda.

Said evidence such as, “Luka is similar to this game 4 months ago” (is not similar at all), “Luka has a busing meta!” (Arctic already said this was untrue, last wolf game I played with you I mostly hard defended my teamates) and “Idk ur mom!”

Hard confirmed as wolf

I have pics lol, idk if sending them counts as OGI tho
Even if double day actions aren’t a thing here aside, htat doesnt really negate my wolf case against you