Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

@Kiiruma Just…what evidence suggests lying about Luka?

I believe Luka has been saying this question a lot too

If not worded differently.

You very much are similar to that game.
I feel like I’m staring in a mirror

Last game you played with me was a conversion game. Which is a clear difference compared to games without it, so nice try. The last one without it where you were W was the one I provided on the other hand

I don’t do childish jokes like that, kid.

Keep believing that, but at the end of the day I can be hard confirmed idk if you can be.

@Arctic You here?

You said I was similar cuz

  1. I pushed somebody and backed off
    (I never backed off)
  2. I was “lolcatting”
    (Literally lying about what that means)

Nope! D2+ still have no conversion, so lets not try to bullshit here kii kii, oki? ^w^ (cutely ignores the Arctic part :p)

Ur mom!

I believe I’ll be hard confirmed once I chop a pelt wolfy boy~~

I’m going to start toying with my food since I cant see how this is going to be productive otherwise

What evidence suggestions Luka is lying?
Luka’s literally trying to keep pushing me with things that strictly don’t make sense, starting with OMGUS.
Luka tried to argue that I can’t be cleared from day actions because you can use multiple (You can’t really here so it’s a lie, but yes I understand perhaps Luka just didn’t know since their home forum isn’t here)
Luka’s trying to argue Eliza is more experienced than me and themselves which yall know is untrue.

this whole back and forth is just starting to look like theatre.

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Is dead.

@Kiiruma now I have both you and bystander as my teamates…

Oh, sorry
Ill stop that then

Yeah kindly fuck off

Okay but what are you pushing me with thooo
Thats the question you have to ask urself, and you havent negated half of my pointsss

Uhm yeah, yk their are multiple wolves right, (+ as mentioned my forum i ply more on does it diff)

Im saying Eliza is more expeirenced w/ balance and setup creation which uhm u know is true

How about I ask something different:

There’s difference in meta in both alignment and game setup wise?

(Also whats preventing a town from having a bad push
I feel like ur ignoring this fact in order to further ur faux wolf case)

For Bystander

Cant answer, not enough experience
ik that she cased me off of setup spec as v/v if that means anything

This whole back and forth isn’t going anywhere you’re not even nominating eachother. What’s teh point in clogging up the thread with this if you’re just gonna drop it in the end?