Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

…if bionic day roleblocked frost then how did frost give something to luka


Good question! @Bionic r u lying

any thoughts on his push on me? that imo is a large part of his play.

i think that his swap to me using someone when his original vote on someone was just pressure iirc. he thought i was paired with someone when he never really wolfread someone just pressuring as he stated someone. then he swaps to thinking i slipped (it literally isnt a slip. like at all. i said i wolfread frost & leafia but thought they were unpaired so they were w/v not w/w). and REALLY hanging on to that to push me strongly. and i think that theres many times where scum does that and uses that to make an exgerrated push. but also like. hello hes so into it sometimes idk im

Can you quote this push so I can looksie. I want to see what you’re seeing and not do it for you, if that makes sense.

frost mentioned it was a passive

now leafias just very flat and plain. repeating the same defense “i wouldnt do this as wolf” which is like. completely wifom. and like she doesnt admit that it is. and throughout this is actually an admittal of it being twtbaw which is like. like calling urself that is just like… no. although i dont think the original reason that bionic had has THAT much basis with the fish stuff but leafias response is just very broken record and bad even if it is cftwr.

sure gimme a sec

Whats going on

Sorry im very busy today and tommorow, wednessday and thursday sucks

this one gave me that impression more than luka/bys yeah

I would normally read everything but im dead exhausted, whats going on with the reasoning with why the top 2 are being voted.

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kiiruma is the new good vote now, lots happenec

I’d help but i have no clue sorry

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Had super stressful meeting earlier today, and now I got bonus work :sob:

this is where he votes btw, before all of the stuff above, i searched from bottom up

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i dont get how he goes “bys works too” to like “bys outted raah”

I’ve seen frostwolf do this before. I vigged them for it.

They were town.


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wait that is wack


i can see myself going either way on a lot of things rn. but one thing i would like to clarify is that i do think bys is town and that wagon should evaporate

i last said i was fine with any of luka/frost/someone/leafia/kiiruma dying. i think the real difference is i would take frost out because i’m seeing a lot more of the assertiveness in his town game that was missing and he’s starting to push things i think he believes in

there is some kind of mechanical issue with bionic/frost/luka’s claims so that’s probably gonna need to be clarified

jarek, i think you’ve been around enough to know that kiiruma claiming whatever he has about his role means jack shit. like, have you seen the amount of times he’s pretty much got himself cleared in botc (and sometimes even forum) games here based on fuckery with his role? it means nothing to me until i see the receipts

but supposedly they dont matter rn cuz they self resolve cuz of poison if its real

so whatever ig

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